Hamilton Hound

The Hamilton Hound falls in the category of medium hounds dog breed. He is well proportioned, rectangular, and full of stamina. He is tricolored.

History and Health :

  • History :

This dog has his roots in Sweden. He was found by Adolf Patrick Hamilton late in the 1800s. He came in handy in hunting especially because the terrain was rough and the climate very harsh. Unlike the breed from England, development of this breed was not mean for hunting purposes.

  • Health :

This dog is generally very healthy, though he is prone to conditions like hip dysplasia and epilepsy. However, the likelihood of him developing these issues is quite low.

Temperament & Personality :

  • Personality :

He is friendly, even-tempered, energetic, patient, devoted, and courageous.

  • Activity Requirements :

The dog brings with him plenty of endurance. He needs daily brisk, walk, jog, and runs. You can take him with you for runs or alongside your bicycle rides. You should teach the dog to exit and enter the door or gateways right after any human has done so. Never leave this dog off leash. This is unless the same is done in a very secure area. The main reason for saying this is because the dog can be quite stubborn when it comes to following trailing scents.

  • Trainability :

He is very easy to train.

  • Behavioral Traits :

This dog has great manners

Appearance & Grooming :

  • Appearance :

The general appearance of this dog can be described as that which gives an impression of reachable stamina and strength. He is tricolored. You cannot doubt that this dog is highly handsome. He brings with him striking color, sound, hardy and upstanding attributes. His head is long and rectangular. It has a moderate broad skull and is slightly arched. The occipital is normally hardly prominent. His muzzle is fairly long, rectangular, and large.

Bridge of nose is usually straight and parallel to skull’s line. His nose remains black always. It well developed and comes with large nostrils. The upper lips are full although not too much overhanging. The eyes are normally dark brown and clear. The ears set high. His jaws are normally strong and regular.

  • Size and weight :

The females are normally eighteen to twenty two inches tall at the shoulders while the males are nineteen to twenty three inches tall at the shoulder. The dog’s weight normally stands at approximately fifty to sixty pounds. This is roughly twenty two to twenty seven kilograms.

  • Coat & Color :

The dog’s coat normally consists of two strong layers. These are the undercoat, which is smooth, close, and short as well as the top layer, which is normally waterproof. The undercoat layer is usually very thick during winter. The top layer is normally very close to the body. His hair is very long especially at the bottom queue. However, the hair does not form a fringe. You can find highly extensive hair that is between his pads.

In terms of color, the dog brings with him an array of colors. The sides, back, upper neck, and trunk’s top have black color. In some, you can find that the side neck, trunk, tail, legs, and head are all brown. The feet and legs, tail tip, chest, lower neck and snout are normally white in other dogs.

  • Grooming :

Grooming this dog is very easy. The good thing is that he is an average shedder. Bathe the dog once every month.

  • Body Type :

The dig brings with him a strong and straight back. His back is also muscular, broad, and level. His croup is normally slightly sloping. The dog’s chest is normally deep. The ribs are moderately sprung. The back ribs are usually proportionately long. The dog has a tucked belly.

Characteristics :

  • This dog is very friendly with kids
  • He is also friendly with cats
  • The dog is dog friendly
  • He does not have any problems when it comes to trainability
  • He is great at shedding
  • He is an excellent watchdog
  • This dog is highly intelligent
  • The dog is great when it comes to grooming
  • This dog is popular
  • He is quick to adapt to new environments
  • It is a NO when it comes to hypoallergenic

Tasty Tidbits :

The dog is full of appetite. Consequently, ensure you provide him with meals that will sustain him in terms of being full.

Care :

The good thing is that this dog is not that active. However, you should take him for runs and walks to kill monotony. This ensures the dog does not get bored or lonely. You can also play with him, both physical and mind games.

Feeding :

The recommended daily feed amount for this dog is approximately one to two cups of high quality dog food. The best thing would be to divide the meals into small portions compared to giving the dog one full meal. This will go miles in ensuring the dog remains healthy. It also ensures the dog does not suffer from being obese. You can probably give the dog food in the morning, afternoon and evening. The quantity to give your pet all depends with a number of factors. Top on the list of these factors is activity level. Others include age, size, metabolism, and others. The quality you give you dog is also very important. Therefore, be sure to check on this while buying your dog feed.

Images, Pics, Photos and Pictures of Hamilton Hound :

Hamilton Hound Hamilton Hound Hamilton Hound Hamilton Hound Hamilton Hound Hamilton Hound Hamilton Hound Hamilton Hound

Information and Facts of Hamilton Hound :

  1. Hamilton Hound is the dog’s full name
  2. Other names are Hamilton, Swedish Foxhound, and Hamilton Hound
  3. The country of origin is Sweden
  4. The Size Type is Medium dog Breeds
  5. The Breed Group is Hounds dog breeds
  6. They are not expected to live for more than twelve years
  7. The dog is friendly, even tempered, energetic, patient, devoted and courageous
  8. The female stands at nineteen to twenty two inches tall
  9. The male stands at twenty one to twenty four inches tall by the shoulder
  10. Both the male and female weigh approximately twenty two to twenty seven kilograms
  11. He comes in tri colors
  12. The average puppy price is between $1000-$1500

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