Lagotto Romagnolo

This dog breed is an outstanding breed of dog. These dogs are found in small to medium sizes. The dogs have a powerful and a balanced built. They have a rustic appearance. The coat of the dogs is very dense and curly. These dogs have a straight muscular back and short loin and sloping croup. The dogs have always been used for years as the best guarding dogs.

History and Health :

  • History :

The history of this breed of dog dates back to 1474 A.D. There are clear evidences that show that the breed has existed even in the roman era. These dogs are the excellent to be used in truffle hunting as they have a tuned nose. This was also the major reason behind the development of this breed. These are also the best water dogs. Since 19th century, the breed has been used in truffle hunting.

  • Health :

Overall these medium dogs have a good health. The common disease that affects this breed of dog is hip dysplasia. Eye Cataract and epilepsy are also common in these dogs. Some genetic disorders have also been found in this breed of dog.

Temperament & Personality :

  • Personality :

These are the best working dogs. A Lagotto Romagnolo has a keen smell sense. They are also very kind and affectionate. Being social, these medium size dogs get along with the others easily. These dogs are very genius and have a sharp mind. For quick activity, they need regular mental and physical simulation. The best game for this breed is hide and seek. These are also the excellent companions for their families.

  • Activity Requirements :

These are the active and working dogs. They always love to remain engage in different activities. These are very fast and are also very energetic. However, for boosting their level of activity, frequent mental and physical simulations, regular exercise, and daily walks are very important. They love swimming and like to remain outdoors all the time.

  • Trainability :

These are very intelligent dogs and learn everything quickly. They better learn in short training sessions. Positive rewards and positive reinforcement techniques are the best to use for training these active and smart dogs. Always make sure that the area in which you train your dog is free from any kind of distraction. Also keep patience while training and do not lose your temper.

  • Behavioral Traits :

These dogs are excellent in truffle searching. These are very efficient and have a great patience. These are decent, smart, and active dogs. They dogs are also very affectionate to the kids and remain loyal to their masters. They dogs are also very obedient and easy to train. Lagotto Romagnolo is also a very social dog. The dogs are the best companions of a family.

Appearance & Grooming :

  • Appearance :

A Lagotto Romagnolo is a medium size dog with a coarse look. They have a defined and a well balanced appearance. Their body is covered with thick and curly hair. Their body seems to have a slightly square shape. They have a lower and a wide chest.

  • Size and Weight :

These are the medium size dogs. Their weight is 24-35 pounds. A Lagotto Romagnolo is 21-24 inches tall.

  • Coat & Color :

A Lagotto Romagnolo is found in a number of colors, i.e. brown roan, off-white, brown, orange and white, orange, brown and white colors. They have a thick and curly coat. The coat has a wooly texture and undercoat is a waterproof coat.

  • Grooming :

These dogs do not have heavy shedding. Therefore; they have low grooming requirements. The owner should trim the hair frequently. Regular brushing of the coat is also essential for good grooming of the dog.

  • Body Type :

The dogs have a proportioned and a large body. Their back is slight sloping. They have large size muscular loins. Thighs are also large, sturdy, and muscular. They have a deep bursting chest. The body has a compact and a square shape.

Characteristics :

  • A Lagotto Romagnolo is a kid friendly dog.
  • This medium size dog breed is also good with the cats.
  • These guarding dogs are friendly with other dogs.
  • These dogs are easy to train dogs.
  • A Lagotto Romagnolo has low shedding.
  • A Lagotto Romagnolo is a good watch dog.
  • A Lagotto Romagnolo is also very intelligent.
  • A Lagotto Romagnolo has low grooming needs.
  • This dog breed is a very popular breed.
  • These guarding dogs are very adaptable.
  • A Lagotto Romagnolo is hypoallergenic.

Tasty Tidbits :

The dogs have an energetic and power drive. Their gait is balanced and very lively.

Care :

The dogs need regular care of their dense, wooly, and curly coat. Weekly trimming of the coat is also very necessary for their good care. These are the best indoor dogs and better live in apartments. Daily regular exercise is necessary for maintaining their health.

Images, Pics, Photos and Pictures of Lagotto Romagnolo :

Lagotto Romagnolo Lagotto Romagnolo Lagotto Romagnolo Lagotto Romagnolo Lagotto Romagnolo Lagotto Romagnolo Lagotto Romagnolo Lagotto Romagnolo Lagotto Romagnolo

Feeding :

These are the energetic and the working dogs. The dogs need at least four bowls of meals daily. Give your dog a balanced diet and clear water. Also make sure that you give high quality food to your dog.

Information and Facts of Lagotto Romagnolo :

  1. Full name of this breed is Lagotto Romagnolo.
  2. Other names of this breed are Romagna Water Dog, Lagotto, and Water Dog of Romagna.
  3. Origin of this breed of dog is Italy.
  4. It is a medium size dog breed.
  5. These are the guarding dogs (UKC).
  6. Life span of this dog breed is 15-17 years.
  7. Height of a female Lagotto Romagnolo is 16-18 inches, and the height of a male Lagotto Romagnolo is 17-19 inches.
  8. Weight of a male Lagotto Romagnolo is 13-16 Kg, and the weight of a female Lagotto Romagnolo is 11-14 Kg.
  9. These guarding dogs are found in brown roan, off-white, brown, orange and white, orange, brown and white colors.
  10. Average price of a Lagotto Romagnolo puppy is $500 to $700.
  11. These are the sleepy dogs and like to sleep all the day long.
  12. Lagotto Romagnolo is a white dog breed.

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