Australian Shepherd

Australian Shepherd

In spite of his name, the Australian Shepherd actually has its origins in the US, not Australia. They were basically useful for herding sheep...
Irish Setter

Irish Setter - Gundog and Family Dog

Irish setter is native breed of Ireland and is renowned throughout the world because of its rich mahogany color luxurious coat. They are amicable,...

Harrier Dog - Facts, Pictures, Appearance, Temperament

Harrier is a popular hunt dog of England that was once used to hunt hares and foxes. They are also tenacious worker and can...




Sloths are mammal species that live in the tropical regions of the Southern and Central America. They hang on to the branches of trees...

Discover Great Pet Insurance Companies

Your pet is a member of your family, so you want only the best of everything for it. Unfortunately, caring for these furry friends...

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